Meeting Minutes

April 2011 AGM


The AGM of the FOBC for 2011 started at 8:00pm on April 27, 2011 at Robert’s place in Nicholsdale Rd.


Robert, Barrie, Eleanor and Chris. Apologies: Jim

A. Minutes.

Minutes of the 2010 AGM were available. Minutes confirmed by Barrie and seconded by Eleanor.

B. President’s Report

Robert presented the report. Barrie moved to accept the report and was seconded by Chris.

There was some discussion about the following:

C. Treasurer’s Report

Robert also presented the Treasurer’s Report and apologized that auditing still had to be done. There is some outstanding paper work that needs to be tracked down but Robert is confident that the Report is accurate as is. The VINC membership needs clarification. Jim needs to be contacted about the website renewal cost also.

There was some discussion about the following:

Eleanor moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and this was seconded by Chris.

D. Office Bearers

President: Barrie nominated and Chris seconded that Robert continue with the role. Robert accepted.

Treasurer: Barrie nominated and Chris seconded that Robert continue with the role as Treasurer that Robert took over in recent months after Bob retired due to poor health. Robert accepted.

Secretary: Robert nominated and Barrie seconded that Chris continue as secretary. Chris accepted.

Committee members: Barrie responsible for plant dealings with VINC, Eleanor as marketer and fundraiser, Jim as webmaster. Barrie and Eleanor accepted. We need to confirm with Jim that he is available to continue.

E. Next Working Bee

The next working bee is on April 17.

F. Next Meeting

The next meeting of the FOBC is scheduled for May 10 at Barrie’s place in Quinton Crt at 8.00pm. Chris is an apology for this meeting.

G. Good Intention for 2011

Members to follow up on previous meeting suggestions.

Minutes submitted by: Chris Walta