MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING Date: 16th August, 2005 Location: Home of John Cott Present: Robert Brierley, Eleanor Stephenson, Barrie Gallacher, John Cott,, Bob Strickland, Rosemary Buchanan Apology: Chris Walta, Jim Breen 1. OPENING Robert chaired the meeting. 2. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING 2.1 NATIONAL TREE PLANTING DAY - 31ST JULY The day was fine and very successful, with at least 100 participating and approx. 2,200 plants planted. Various groups were there, including Rotary and Rotaract and a group from Amcor. Also a group of intellectually handicapped. Some of the volunteers came from distant suburbs. The Boroondara Council sent 2 of their employees with planting tools etc., and another two to set up and run the barbecue - Sausages bread and cans of drinks were supplied by the Council. A message of gratitude (vote of thanks) would be sent by Bob to the Council via Janyce for their assistance. About 70 Wattle Park Primary School children had attended on the preceding Friday, together with their Headmaster (Nick) and several teachers and parents. Robert explained the value of their on-going involvement and pointed out the areas previously planted by their school. They planted approx. 200 plants. Several of our Committee attended on both days, and our friend Malcolm was there on Sunday with his stall - much appreciated. It was suggested that Hartwell Primary may also be interested in future participation. Water-Watch monitoring could be of interest to schools although often there was no running water in the creek, and little animal diversity. The participation of Amcor people was noted and may be the basis of some (ongoing) corporate involvement. 2.2 NEXT WORKING BEE On Sunday August 21st the project will be to plant along the area past Dot Neal's home, including some steep parts below the path. Barrie was asked to obtain 200 suitable plants, and to place an order for a further 500 plants for use in the near future. Planting these would complete our obligation to Melb.Water for their $6,000 grant. (2003) Robert would make contact with the new owner of Nick Arnold's house in Hunter Rd. 2.3 NOTICE BOARD Bob to contact Heinz K. to bring him up to date on the Nat. Tree Day etc and ask whether he had been able to follow up re the Notice Board (considered to be ineligible from previous grants). 2.4 TREASURER'S REPORT Bank balance is $8,897 before the payment of $2,680 for NTPDay plants. Membership Subs & Donations to date total $210. Renewal of the VINC annual subscription was approved Most Grant money not required to be spent by August 2006, and Bob would look at the rates offered by Bendigo Bank for a $5,000 term deposit. 2.5 NEXT NEWSLETTER Robert would produce a newsletter for September. 2.6 NEXT MEETING Tuesday September 6th at 8.00 p.m. at home of Eleanor Stephenson - 1 Weafgreen Crt FRIENDS OF BACK CREEK August 2005 Minutes prepared by Bob Strickland