MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING Date: 12th July, 2005 Location: Home of Barrie Gallacher in Quinton Rd Present: Robert Brierley (chaired the meeting), Barrie Gallacher, Eleanor Stephenson, Chris Walta, Jim Breen Apology: Bob Strickland, John Cott 1. OPENING Robert chaired the meeting and welcomed members to the July meeting of the FOBC and thanked Barrie for hosting the meeting. 2. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING School's Tree Day 2 grades from Wattle Tree Primary School will participate in planting on Friday 29th of July between 1:30 and 2:30. Afternoon tea will be provided. Robert will be available on that day to coordinate the activities for the students. Barrie to arrange 300 plants to be available for this planting. Eleanor to arrange the card table for the afternoon tea etc. Eleanor to follow up with the contact she has with a student at Carey about National Tree Planting Day. National Tree Day is on Sunday July 31. There has been interest from a group of people with a disability coming with carers for the event. Give that we can expect 100+ people to be there for this event it is suggested that FOBC committee members act as supervisors whoa re able to guide groups of people in planting what where. Planting strategy proposed was to plant in the proportion of 100 grasses to 8 bushes to 2 trees. It was also suggested that 500 plants be kept to back fill where needed. Robert to contact Malcolm about the use of his tent for the day. Joan and Eleanor will take care of the registration. Barrie to arrange for 2500 plants for Sunday's planting. Barrie to check if plants can be available the week before the event Planting steep bank by the board walk It was suggested that additional plants be ordered to plant out the steep slope on the bank and that Council be requested to do the planting and we would supply the plants. Previous planting of steep slope along Quinton Rd indicates the Council planters have the appropriate equipment to plant out difficult terrain. Barrie to arrange for additional 500 plants for steep slope by the board walk. Mid section of the pathway Melbourne Water grant of $6000 to be used over 2 years on the matted area along the middle of the path. Boroondara grant of $1500 to be used for insurance and plants for the mid section. Rotary Club Cathy MacMahon from the Rotary Club took photos of work in the creek at the previous working bee. Robert to remind the Rotary Club of National tree Planting Day and request a copy of the photos. Next working bee: 3rd Sunday July 17 Area of creek below 3 Nicholsdale Rd Robert has dug up much of the ginger plants near his house ... some time and energy is needed to go into removing the root balls up and out of the creek. The area has been sprayed by Council and if ginger is moved can be planted out on July 31st - National Tree Planting day. Robert to arrange for rubbish removal after the working bee. Grant application It is intended to put in an application to the Community Grants Scheme before June 30. These grants are not for capital improvements like a Noticeboard. Noticeboard Robert to follow up with Heinz about progress on having Council provide Noticeboard support Newsletter and flier Robert to prepare newsletter and National Tree Planting Day flier to be prepared and ready to distribute in time for July 31st. Treasurers Report Bank statement indicates a balance of $9412 Insurance has been paid $472 Website We are able to save $25 per year by changing the way we use our web address. We do not have access to email now - this had not been used in the past. Next meeting 2nd Tuesday August 9 2005 at John Cott's - 2 Hollsmore St FRIENDS OF BACK CREEK July 2005 Minutes prepared by Chris Walta