MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING Date: 11th October, 2005 Location: Home of Chris Walta Present: Robert Brierley, Eleanor Stephenson, Barrie Gallacher, Bob Strickland, Jim Breen Absent: Rosemary Buchanan, John Cott 1. OPENING Robert chaired the meeting. 2. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING 2.1 NEXT WORKING BEE - Sunday October 16th. Additional Registration Forms required to be printed for the next working bee. 6 - 8 "Elderly Citizens" expected following some publicity in the Burwood Bulletin. The project for them will be to plant out the retaining wall. Barrie was asked to obtain 200 suitable plants. Creeper and sticky weed needs to be sprayed by Council – Robert to contact. Parkworks scheduled to plant steep side along Quinton Rd. Heinz will be available to draw the raffle. Bob to email the Newsletter to Heinz as a reminder and also to the email addresses on the list of people who participate in FOBC work. 2.2 BIRD SIGHTINGS Grey Fantail, Chestnut Teals, Blacktailed Cuckoo Shrike, Black Duck. Discussion took place about dogs chasing ducks in the creek area and causing distress to ducks and the possibility to request that the area become a DOGS ON LEASH area and a sign to advice users of the area. 2.3 TREASURER'S REPORT Not much change. $5000 on term deposit with Bendigo Bank, Camberwell. 2006 grant applications are starting again we discussed that $5000 or 4000 plants is about the limit of what we can manage. 2.4 RAFFLE Raffle would now be drawn at the working be on October 16. $233 worth of raffle tickets sold to date. Great effort Eleanor. 2.5 INVENTORY A report titled "An inventory and Assessment of Indigenous Vegetation in Boroondara" is currently being prepared for the Council by Dr Graeme Lorimer. A draft of the section on Back Creek has been received by Eleanor S. and was passed on to Robert. 2.6 NEXT NEWSLETTER Bob to amend a couple of spelling mistakes and get Newsletter to the printer ASAP in time for distribution before the next working bee. General discussion about the possibility of having some local advertisements in the Newsletter. It was agreed that this would be appropriate. 2.7 NEXT MEETING Tuesday November 8th at 8.00 p.m. at home of Robert Brierley - 3 Nicholsdale Rd Camberwell FRIENDS OF BACK CREEK October 2005 Minutes prepared by Chris Walta