Minutes of meeting August 11 2003 at 7.30pm held at the home of Bob and June Strickland.

Apologies: John Cott

Present: Robert Brierley, Barrie Gallacher, Chris Walta, Eleanor Stephenson, Bob Strickland, June Strickland, Jim Breen

Minutes of the previous meeting: accepted


COMMUNITY PLANTING DAYS /Working Bees: great work has been done at recent working bees. There were approximately 50 people participating on National Tree Planting day where people planted and weeded and generally helped to create a communal atmosphere that was enjoyed by all. The winning ticket for the raffle was picked by Heinz our local councillor at the event. Thank you Eleanor for this contribution.

About 60 Wattle Park Primary school students also helped plant on the Friday afternoon. The classroom teacher and students are keen to continue their involvement with the work in the creek and will take responsibility for clearing the steep bank on the left side when entering the creek from Quinton Rd. There was further discussion about other neighbourhood schools being involved such as Hartwell Primary School. Insurance issues need to be clarified with principals to obtain parental approval for participation.

Next working bee was scheduled for August 17 but this is to be changed to August 24. The Newsletter will be available for distribution in time for this date.

There is a name change from Working Bees to COMMUNITY PLANTING DAYS the mid week working bees are now called MAINTENANCE GROUP these occur on Thursday mornings.

Spring Festival: September 21st is Spring Festival day. More plants will be needed. The aquatic plants there at the moment will be used to back fill the Quinton Rd section. Barrie to arrange plants for the Spring Festival.

Water pollution: the meeting discussed the pollution coming into the creek along Quinton Rd and expressed concern about the possible effects of this in the creek area. It was decided that contact would be made with the EPA initially to have some support in identifying what is causing the pollution, the risks associated with it and what can be done to rectify the matter. Eleanor and Bob agreed to follow this up.

Newsletter: Robert to arrange for distribution in readiness for the next COMMUNITY PLANTING DAY on August 24. Members of the committee to distribute as per areas agreed to in earlier meetings.

Bio Diversity Plan: copy has been received and is filed. Anyone interested to borrow it get in touch with Chris.

Heritage Trust application: a $14,000 application has been submitted to undertake the weeding and planting in the creek area at the Cornell St end on the Through Rd side.

Path: the construction of the retaining wall and path is now completed. There was some concern about the `soggy' state of the new path and it remains to be seen if the granitic sand will provide the surface required. There is a need to undertake follow up work in planting the steep slope which has matting on it and protection work around the drains coming into the creek from neighbouring properties. The group discussed approaching the Council for assistance in the construction of rock bases and water plants to consolidate the drain areas. It was suggested that a half day workshop with the Council and Melbourne Water might be productive. Robert and Barrie agreed to follow this up.

Treasurer's report: Bob Strickland provided the treasures report indicating that grant moneys received means that there is an income of $6,927 at the moment.

Website: Chris to check with Jim if he is happy to continue to take responsibility for this or if there has to be a change in the arrangements now that he is retired.

Correspondence: Victorian Farmers Insurance application information arrived

Next meeting

Date: Monday September 8 2003

Location: Either at the home of John Cott or Chris Walta

Minutes produced by Chris WALTA