The Newsletter of


ABN 43 819 801 067


Red Wattle Bird
(Printed courtesy of Simpson & Day,
Fieldguide to Birds of Australia Viking - Penguin Books)


August 2003

Greetings friends and other residents interested in Back Creek

This is the 12th edition of BACKCREEK BRIEFINGS. Local residents walking along the creek will have seen significant change occurring.

Melbourne Water: As discussed in the last newsletter, Melbourne Water lined the creek bed between the rock pools with jute mat and planted reeds and rushes. Approximately 2000 seedlings have been planted. The ivy attached to the willows has been cut and will progressively be removed over the next 12 months. FOBC has an additional 150 or so reeds and rushes it will plant over the next couple of working bees.

Membership subscription: Membership subscriptions for 2003 are now due. So far we have approximately 35 paid up members. If you would like to become a member and or make a donation, contact our treasurer Bob Strickland on 9830 0749 or print off a membership form from our website or fill in the form attached to this newsletter and send us your subscription.

Community Planting Days: FOBC has been very active over the last couple of months preparing the ground along the pathway for mulching and planting. We participated in National Tree day July 27th 2003 as well as Schools Tree day on Friday 25th July 2003. Approximately 60 children from Wattle Park Primary School planted over 200 plants near the Quinton Road bend. The following Sunday, 55 people assisted in planting nearly 1000 plants further along the pathway in glorious sunshine.

The group was also helped in clearing weeds and mulching in preparation for more planting scheduled during September and October. Thanks to Dot Neale for providing her driveway as access to mulch deliveries. Special thanks to Barrie Gallacher who coordinated the plant selection, delivery and over saw the planting on the day. The next Community Planting day is Sunday 24 August 10:00am at Quinton Road.

The weekly Thursday morning weeding group continues to consolidate previous planting by keeping the weeds at bay. Anyone interested can contact Eleanor Stephenson on 9836 9121.

Back Creek Pathway: Yes its all happening!. The Council commenced construction late in June 2003. The plan had to be modified however after estimated costing of construction of the proposed boardwalk was found to exceed $90,000. Instead the pathway has now been cut into the embankment with a retaining wall constructed along the fence-line. The advantages of this revised simpler design is that the pathway is actually 0.5 metres lower and will provide better privacy for local residents. The crushed granetic rock has just been laid down and jute mat has been applied along the creek side of the embankment. FOBC hope to commence mulching and planting along the pathway over the next couple of months. With a little luck the path will be reopened in the next 2-4 weeks.

FOBC Website: We continue to update and add to our website so why not check us out.

Grant applications: FOBC has submitted a grant application for $14,000 with the National Heritage Trust Envirofund. These funds are designed to continue revegetation on the east side of the creek near the Cornell Street end. This will include allocation of money to construct an information board at the Cornell Street end. We also plan to submit an application for funds through Boroondara council community support program. The aim will be to continue revegetation along the pathway.

FOBC Raffle: FOBC conducted a raffle over the past few months in which the prize was a pastel painting of a kookaburra. We raised nearly $300 from the raffle, which will go along way to covering the cost of our public liability insurance. Thanks to all who bought a ticket and special thanks to Eleanor Stephenson for her fund raising and coordination of the raffle. The winning ticket was drawn with assistance from our local councilor Heinz Kreutz during National Tree day. The winner was Jill Parker-Hill. Congatulations!

Boroondara Biodiversity Strategy: The Council has just released its Biodiversity strategy as well as a draft Biodiversity Corridors Plan. The Back Creek is one of the corridors specified in the strategy. FOBC members contributed to the initial drafting of the strategy and are working closely with both the Council and Melbourne Water in creating the settings for the local habitat to become more suitable for indigenous plants and animals. If you would like to know more about the Council's strategy contact the Parks and Gardens department on 9278 4595. FOBC also has copies of the documents.

FOBC Committee The committee meets every 2nd Monday each month. Copies of our minutes are available on our website.

President - Robert Brierley - 9836 3779
Secretary - Chris Walta - 9888 4461 (29A Cornell Street, Camberwell, 3124)
Treasurer - Bob Strickland - 9830 0749
Committee members - Barrie Gallagher, Eleanor Stephenson, John Cott, Jim Breen,
