Minutes of Committee Meeting of Friends of Back Creek held at the home of Eleanor Stephenson on 14th July, 2003.
APOLOGIES Chris Walta, Jim Breen, John Cott.
Minutes of last meeting were noted.
WORKING BEES Very successful on 13th July - 15 present. Large amount of rubbish removed - some carted to rubbish heap in Quinton Road to be removed by Council contractor at a later date. F.O.B.C. to pay for this service. Some mulch was placed in preparation for the National Tree Planting Day on 27th July. Another W.B. to be held on 20th July at 10 a.m. to further prepare for N.T.P.Day. Quinton Road end as for 13th.
GRANT APPLICATION Completed and lodged with Enviro Fund National Heritage Trust for $14.000 .Contact was to be made with Janice at Boroondara Council re Community Grant from Council to continue `green corridor.
CORRESPONDENCE Bob Strickland tabled information from Greening Australia re Insurance through Vic. Farmers' Federation. There was query about $10,000 excess on claims. F.O.B.C. must be member of Vic. Farmers' Federation Farm Tree and Land Care Association.. $382.90 annual fee, plus small fee per member. It was agreed to proceed with the Insurance.
TREASURER'S REPORT Income since Jan. 1st 2003 - $6,856, including $6,400 grant from Melbourne Water, Donations $91, Fund Raising $245 and Membership Fees $120.00. Expenses - $173.30.
NAME TAGS It was suggested that Name Tags should be provided for Office Bearers. Robert Brierley agreed to scan Logo to be used to create tags.
It was requested that Eleanor send a copy of AGM Minutes to all Committee.
Next Meeting 11th August at home of Bob Strickland at 7.30 p.m.