The Newsletter of


ABN 43 819 801 067



June 2003

Greetings friends and other residents interested in Back Creek

This is the 11th edition of BACKCREEK BRIEFINGS. Over the past couple of months the combination of work performed by Melbourne Water and recent rain has seen a steady water-flow return to the creek. In one 10 minute downpour nearly 50mm of rain fell resulting in some dramatic flooding along the creek. Water from Riversdale Road flowed over the footpath and like a waterfall ran down the steep embankment causing some erosion. Water levels were at some parts of the creek, were as high as 2 meters. Many longstanding residents have not seen such flooding for more than 15 years. Yet after an hour the water level had dropped by half.

Melbourne Water(MW): During March Melbourne Water removed the 5 willows as planned along the Quinton Road end of the creek. This was followed shortly after by installation of rocks to stabilise the creek bed and create rock pools. The effect has been to provide small waterfalls during heavy rain as well as slow and aerate the water. During early June the plan will be to line the creek bed between the rock pools with jute mat and to plant reeds and rushes. This will be followed by weed removal on the Quinton road slope. FOBC will then mulch and commence planting over the following months. Photo's of MW recent work will be shortly on our website.

Membership subscription: Membership subscriptions for 2003 are now due. If you would like to become a member and or make a donation, contact our treasurer Bob Strickland on 9830 0749 or print off a membership form from our website or fill in the form attached to this newsletter and send us your subscription.

Working Bees: So far this year we have had 3 working bees. In March "Clean Up Australia" day. we removed considerable rubbish from the creek. Although less than previous years we still filled 15 bags full of old building material, plastic drink containers, plastic bags and beer bottles, as well as the odd car tyre. During April and May, slow but steady progress has been made along the Cornell Street end of the pathway, clearing weeds and mulching.

Depending on the progress of works by Melbourne Water, during June we hope to prepare the Quinton Road site for planting on National Tree Day on the 28 July 2003. Check our website for details. If you want to help out, come and meet us on Sunday June 15th at Quinton Road from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm.

The weekly Wednesday morning weeding group continues to consolidate previous planting by keeping the weeds at bay. Anyone interested can contact Eleanor Stephenson on 9836 9121.

Annual General Meeting

On April 15th, FOBC conducted its 3rd Annual General meeting at the Camberwell Ladies Bowling Club. Most of the existing committee members were reelected with a welcome return of Chris Walta as Secretary. Thanks to all committee members over the past year for their efforts. Phil Crohn from Friends of South Surrey Park briefed us on progress made over the past year. From what Phil described, their progress southward means it wont be long before their work can be seen from Riversdale Road. Check out the new playground at Verdun Street.

Janyce McMurtrie from City of Boroondara also presented and details of some interesting websites on frogs were provided.

Checkout You can hear the sound of different frogs as well as learn about their habitat and distribution.

From the information available we have identified that the species of frog found in the Back Creek is the Southern Brown (ewing's) tree frog Litoria ewingi. This frog is a voracious insectivore capable of leaping to catch a fly in mid flight.apart from January when eggs are not present its breeding season is all year round.

Back Creek Pathway: Well finally it looks like work will be commencing soon on the construction of the boardwalk. The council is eager to complete it before the end of the financial year. FOBC will then spend the later half of 2003 planting along the pathway as part of our Parks Victoria grant obtained last year.

Grant applications: While on the subject of grants, FOBC has been approved a grant of 6200 for planting and preparation along the Quinton Road embankment. An additional 200 has been approved for assistance with newsletters and community consultation.

FOBC Committee:

President - Robert Brierley - 9836 3779
Secretary - Chris Walta - 9888 4461 (29A Cornell Street, Camberwell, 3124)
Treasurer - Bob Strickland - 9830 0749
Committee members - Barrie Gallagher, Eleanor Stephenson, John Cott, Jim Breen,
