Annual General Meeting - 2004

Date: 28th of March

Location: Home of Robert Brierley - 3 Nicholsdale Rd

Present: Robert Brierly (president), Janice McMurtry, Bob and June Strickland, Barrie Gallacher, Jim Breen, Eleanor Stephenson, Malcolm, Annie

Apologies: John Cott


Robert welcomed all present.


  1. President delivered his report (see below). Report was accepted by all and Robert was thanked for his work over the last year.
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM were presented. June and Barrie moved minutes to be accepted. Minutes accepted.
  3. Treasurer's report was delivered by Bob Strickland. Robert and Jim moved that the report be accepted. Report accepted.


  1. All members of the 2003 FOBC committee will continue in their roles on the committee
  2. Malcolm will be a new member on the committee


  1. Janice McMurtry presented on behalf of Boroondara Council. She thanked the committee for the work that has been done. She acknowledged the success of the group in the grants support that has been achieved and said we should be proud of what the work that has been done. She reported that Council funding for the path over the creek at the Riversdale Rd end was in place for the work to be done in April/May. In addition decisions for funding for fencing along the new path is in process. Council will continue to support work of revegetation. Council is also looking to continue the path into South Surrey Park up to Warrigal Rd. The consultation between the FOBC and the Council is well received and facilitates plans of Council's Biodiversity initiative and approach to the development of Back Creek as a green corridor in the area. They are committed to improve and protect the area. The discussion is currently in phase 1 which focuses on analyzing what exists. This involves conducting a flora and fauna survey. The goal is to resurvey the area in 3 years time. Council is appreciative of the FOBC activity and recognizes the role the group plays in educating the public.
  2. A membership /donation drive is planned to happen soon
  3. Discussion was had about how to attract funding to obtain a notice board similar to the one in South Surrey Park.


May 3 at John Cott's home 2 Hollsmore Street at 7.30


  1. Minutes of the 3rg AGM April 2003
  2. President's Statement - Robert Brierley March 2004
  3. Treasurer's Report - Bob Strickland March 2004

Minutes prepared by Chris Walta

Presidents Statement 28 March 2004

The past 12 months has seen continued momentum for change occur in the restoration of the creek. Awareness and support for our efforts has grown significantly. Membership has remained steady at over 35. Thanks also to local shopkeepers, John Daly the Picture Framer and the printer RF Dixon who has assisted with printing of our newsletter.

Clean-up Australia day continues to reveal rubbish accumulated over the past 30 years as well as the refuse and debri washed down with storm water. In 2003 50 people collected 23 bags of rubbish. Early in 2004 over 55 people collected 30+ bags of rubbish. It is clear that this will continue to be an annual event if the creek is to be kept clean.

During the 2003 year FOBC published 4 newsletters extending our distribution to over 600 households. We conducted 11 working bees involving a total of 250 volunteers contributing over 500 hours of work. This included participation in Clean up day, National tree & Schools Tree days as well as Greening Australia's Spring Planting festival. Last year also saw the participation by representiatives of Rotary Club of Boroondara, and Shell Australia as well as residents from other suburbs. The year ahead will see us attempting to consolidate and grow this support to enable us achieve our many projects. With the cooperation and assistance of local residents, the City of Boroondara and Melbourne Water the following was achieved in 2003:

Following a community meeting in February 2003, an agreement was obtained with Melbourne Water, which set clear guidelines for the removal of willows along the creek. This saw 7 large willows removed over the subsequent months along the Quinton Road section of the creek. Melbourne Water has also planted nearly 1000 seedlings nearby to assist with the rehabilitation.

In April 2003 Melbourne Water created 2 rock pools that has shown to provide not only improved waterflow control during heavy downpour but also enhanced water retention. Over the past year the creek has seen the reemergence of the native slender knotweed along this section of the creek.

In June 2003 FOBC received a $6400 grant from Melbourne Water to further plant out the east side of the creek along Quinton Road

National Tree Day on 27 July 2003 saw over 50 residents plant 1000 seedlings along the pathway. The previous Friday had seen 55 grade 5/6 students from Wattle Park Primary School plant 300 seedlings.

In July and August 2003 the Council completed the middle section of granetic rock pathway between Cornell Street and Riversdale Road. During September - November nearly 1000 seedlings were planted along this section of the pathway

In December 2003 FOBC received grant approval from the council for $1500 towards the planting of native vegetation along theembankment next to the pathway to improve the amenity.

With the cooperation and assistance of a local school teacher, FOBC propagated over 100 native Pobblebonk tadpoles which were put into the creek in recent months. Sadly the creek is all but completely dry with even the pool next to the Riversdale Rd tunnel at its lowest level for years. Time will tell if any have survived.

In December 2003 FOBC received approval from NHT Envirofund for $9000, which will be used to revegetate along the eastern side of the creek at the Cornell street end. This will be a particularly challenging section as the steep embankment and restricted access will present barriers to clearing and replanting.

The 2004 year ahead:

This year we have 3 challenging projects ahead. It is fair to say that what we have tackled to date has been the easy stuff. The year ahead will require us to cover terrain that is less accessible and harder to handle. We have $15,000 worth of funds in these 3 projects that must be completed over the next 18 months.

Our goals for the year ahead will be:

May I take this moment to thank our committee members for their commitment, enthusiasm and support this past year. Chris Walta our Secretary who had returned from 18 months in the USA, Joh Cott who has assisted with tasks others ould not tackle such as such as spraying weeds and chainsawing, Jim Breen our webmaster, Eleanor Stephenson, Bob Strickland, our accountant and Barry Gallacher our Landscape Architect. Thank you also to our councilor Heinz Kreutz who has supported our cause particularly in getting the pathway completed. Also to Janyce McMurtrie and the Parks & Gardens staff of City of Boroondara as well as Paul Doherty and Greg Bain at Melbourne Water.

I hope that FOBC can extend our network of friends even further so that our goals can be fulfilled and the challenges ahead overcome.

Robert Brierley
28 March 2004