Dear Friends and other
residents interested in Back Creek,
This is the 1st
The purpose is to inform Friends and others about what activity the
Friends group is involved in. We intend to produce a newsletter 4 times a year
and more frequently if required.
Walk by members – a group of about 20 people met at the Cornell
St end of Back Creek before Christmas to walk along the creek and make a list
of what people thought needed to change in the area. Additionally Barrie Gallacher
formed a list of the plants currently growing in the area.
Walk with Boroondara Council and Melbourne Water – on Friday the 19th
of January at 8.30am the committee met with Councillor Ian Wallace and Janyce
McMurtry from Boroondara Council and Damien Magner from Melbourne Water to
discuss possibilities for the management and care of the area. The discussions
were a great success and laid foundations for our future work together.
Rules of the Friends of Back Creek – in order to become
Incorporated the group needs a set of rules and a statement of purpose. We have
used the Rules of the Friends of South Surrey Park as a template to develop a
set of Rules for the Friends of Back Creek. Copies are available from Robert
Brierley or Chris Walta.
Statement of Purpose – a statement of purpose for the FOBC is
incorporated in this newsletter.
Application to establish account – we have applied to
establish an account for the FOBC with Ed Credit – Toorak Rd branch.
Australian Business Number – on the front of this newsletter is the
ABN that has been organised for the group.
Application to Parks Victoria – an application has gone
into Parks Victoria for a Start-Up Grant. The application allows us to cover
the initial costs associated with having the FOBC incorporated.
General meeting – a General Meeting is called for Wednesday 28 of
February, 2001 at 7.30pm at Chris Waltafs house at 29A Cornell St. The purpose
is to ensure all interested people have the opportunity to be there or provide
input for the Incorporation of the FOBC. Everyone is invited, if you wish to
have a vote you need to be a financial member before February 7. Please contact
Chris Walta on 9888 4461
Committee members – below are the names of the people on the
committee with contact details for president, secretary and treasurer. These
positions will be ratified at the general meeting on the 28/2/2001
President - Robert
Brierley – 9836 3779
Secretary – Chris Walta –
9888 4461
Treasurer – Bob Strickland
– 9830 0749
Committee members – Peg Dooley, Barrie
Gallacher, Simon Gardiner, Dot Neal, June Strickland, John Tetley
Clean Up Australia day – the Back Creek site has been nominated as an
official Clean Up Australia day site. Clean Up Australia is on Sunday the 4th
of March 2001 form 10.00am – 2.00pm. We will meet at the Cornell St end and
would love to see you there also. Our local primary school, Wattle Park Primary
School, has agreed to participate in the effort on the 2nd of March
and they will focus on the Quinton Rd end. On each occasion there will be a
site supervisor and clean up materials supplied. Boroondara will supply a skip
to handle rubbish collected.
Website – have you checked out the Friends of Back Creek
website? We want to thank Jim
Breen for the work he has done to establish and maintain the site.
Statement of Purpose –
preserve and enhance the attractiveness of Back Creek and surrounding parkland
in the area south of Riversdale Road and north of Cornell Street
improve the ecological condition of the creek.
develop a flora and fauna inventory for the area
establish a short and long-term management plan for the area
in partnership with the local council, Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and other
organisations that provide support and advice for community initiatives and
friends groups
use indigenous and other suitable plants to provide a habitat for native
birdlife and fauna.
develop community awareness and participation in care and management of the
Back Creek.
and promote the historical development and significance of the area
Thankyou – we want to acknowledge the interest, enthusiasm efforts of
the 30 members of the Friends of Back Creek.
And a special thankyou is
extended to Robert Brierley, Bob Strickland, and Chris Walta for the work done
in developing all the aspects associated with Incorporation of the group.
- Robert Brierley – 9836.3779
– Chris Walta – 9888.4461
– Bob Strickland - 9830.0749
ABN 43 819 801 067
January 2001