Date: Tuesday 12th November 2002
Location: Home of Barrie Gallacher
Present: Robert Brierley (President), Bob Strickland (Treasurer), John Cott (Secretary), Barrie Gallacher, Eleanor Stephenson, Jim Breen
Rob welcomed members and attendees.
Sign received from Parks Victoria acknowledging funding received from that source.
Letter from Boroondara Council thanking Barrie for attending the Biodiversity Conference.
Melbourne Water
Council is holding plants for FOBC totalling (an estimated) 400. These would be planted on the flat area. Council would be undertaking planting on the steeper north side. Rob advised that he would experiment with some planting near the manhole to see whether it was feasible in that area for FOBC.
It was noted that some of the bigger plants may not be able to be planted due to the erection of the bollards. This necessitated a wait to see what developed here. It was also noted that next Sunday was the last possible chance for planting due to the increasing drought.
Advise members as to working bee next Sunday.
A plan had been received from Council as to engineering design of the prospective pathway. In the view of FOBC this plan was deficient in a number of significant areas viz:
The `sloping' steel post supporting the fencing edge seemed unusual and would require additional wooden bracing for support given its odd angle.
There was a `smallish' handrail spanning the posts. This was thought to be inadequate and would be liable to break too easily.
The construction placed the pathway too close to the property line in a number of areas. It was felt therefore that the pathway should be `canted' downwards to remove it from the fence line. The path should drop downwards and then come back up again to allow for this.
It would be cheaper and provide a better construction solution if the stumps were extended vertically to provide posts for the fence and hand rails.
Rob to contact Council and advise as to the concerns outlined above.
Newsletter - Sponsorship
It was felt that a newsletter before Christmas was not going to be feasible in that not much that was newsworthy had happened up to this point. Therefore it was considered that early February would be the most feasible option for publication of the next newsletter which as well as advising as to recent happenings could also address the following issues:
Annual General Meeting.
Bob Strickland advised that one additional membership had been received. In view of the lateness of this it was agreed that this member should be provided full membership for 2003.
Bob Strickland reported that Greening Australia had now been paid as had been previously agreed. It was also agreed to reimburse Jim for purchase of the herbicide.
New Business
The following items of new business were discussed:
Herbicide had been purchased from funds provided in the Parks Victoria grant.
Council had advised that spraying the bamboo was relatively low on their list of priorities. For this reason it was felt that we would have to live with the status quo for some time. It was noted that much of the bamboo was already re-shooting following previous working bees although Rob advised that some clumps had been dug out already.
The `Wednesday Weeding Group' was now operational and had already achieved some successes. This activity would continue.
The fallen willow had now been removed.
Grant applications for 2003/04 would need to be submitted soon. Two options were felt to be available, Melbourne Water and Parks Victoria, however FOBC would need to be able to identify projects now. Rob suggested that our chances with MW would be enhanced if we could `piggy back' on their general willow clearing and upgrading waterways program. This could be done by suggesting FOBC follow up and plant behind the tree removal program as it progressed down the creek from Quinton Road. It was also noted that the Back Creek project definitely needed some sort of permanent signage. Following discussion it was agreed that the following grant applications might be prepared:
$1,500 for planting on the eastern side of the creek at Cornell Street to Parks Victoria.
$10,000 for signs, seats and plantings to Parks Victoria.
$10,000 for planting to follow up the willow removal program to Melbourne Water.
Scheduled for Tuesday 2nd December at the home of Eleanour Stephenson.