MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETING Date: 8th of November Location: Home of John Cott in Hollsmore St Present: Robert Brierley (chaired the meeting), Barrie Gallacher, Eleanor Stephenson, Chris Walta, Bob Strickland, John Cott Apology: Jim Breen 1. OPENING Robert chaired the meeting and welcomed members. 2. CORRESPONDENCE ? Residents all received a formal notice from the Council about the new fencing on Riversdale Rd. The work is programmed for November 2004. ? FOBC received a request from Council to participate in an inventory of indigenous flora and fauna in the area. ACTION: Eleanor will provide a list of the bird sightings and return to Council. ? VINC - notice was received about the AGM for VINC 3. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING 3.1 Recruitment of new members and people to help with the work. Eleanor reported that she had conversations with several people at the working bee and a number were interested in giving a donation and finding out more about our work. ACTION: Each working bee one person to continue this work. The person needs FOBC Newsletters to distribute with information about how they can contribute. 3.2 FOBC website. The board walk celebration pictures to be added to the site. ACTION: Robert TO email pictures to Jim 3.3 Notice Board. Discussion about ways financial support could be obtained to have a notice board for the area. ACTION: Robert to approach Shell about a contribution to assist. Jim to do a laminated sign for the next clean up. 3.4 Board Walk. The opening was considered a great success. Councillor Heinz Kreutz officiated and formally opened the board walk and thanked the Friends group for their work. The Friends group appreciates Heinz's active involvement each month and his work in following up our requests at the Council. MLA Bob Stenholt also attended and we thank him for his ongoing interest in our work and help with the printing of the FOBC Newsletter. Participants enjoyed a barbeque to celebrate the event. Pictures taken on the day are able to be viewed on the FOBC website. 3.5 Press Release. A possible press release was discussed to combine promotion of our work with Councillor Heinz Kreutz's campaign for reelection. ACTION: Robert to discuss the matter with Heinz and to send a digital photo and possible statement for the local paper. 3.6 Working bee. The November working bee is on the 21st of November. The work will be focused on the weeding and mulching of the jute matted area in the middle of the creek. The group discussed the need for additional equipment to move the mulch and suggested to investigate the cost and hire of a Dingo for the day. ACTION: Bob to arrange for as much mulch to be delivered as possible. Also to arrange the hire of a Dingo to help us to move the mulch to the weeded area and remove the weeds at the same time. 3.6 Application. Robert reported that an application to Melbourne Water has been submitted for the FOBC's work in weeding, mulching and planting the slope above the board walk along Riversdale Rd. The application for $4000was submitted last week. Barrie has a list of shade tolerant plants that would be suitable for the planting under the oak trees. 3.7 Upper Back Creek. Robert reported attending a meeting run by Council with residents of Back Creek between Warrigal Rd and Union Rd. Proposals were put to manage the area to ensure that resident needs and community needs could be met. Robert reported that residents were anxious to ensure that privacy was maintained particularly in the very narrow area. 4. TREASURER'S REPORT ? Bob reported the following: Received in 2003 $6952 Received in 2004 $2305 Spent in 2003 $2100 Spent in 2004 $2994 2004 deficit $686 - This deficit will be written back to 2003 earnings that were not yet spent at the time. 2004 in the bank $5709 ? Expenses to be reimbursed: Bob requests to be reimbursed for $55.40 – all approved. If there is other outstanding expenditure please speak to Bob. Thank you to Bob for his report. ACTION: Bob to arrange for the payment of the Dingo hire for the next working bee. ? Bob requested a meeting with Robert to confirm what money was spent on which project. 5. BIRD SIGHTINGS AND FROG SONGS 'Sightings' reported by Eleanor – Grey Fantail, Chestnut Teal, Eastern Rosellas. The Tawny Frogmouths have departed in recent days. Possibly because they sensed some danger in their location (a major branch came down in the area soon after they left) 'Hearings' reported by Barrie – Southern Brown Tree frogs. Robert also reported that 200 Pobblebonk tadpoles were released in the creek a couple of days prior to the rain. We hope that the 65mm of rain that caused a rapid rush of water down the creek did not wash them all further down. We are all tuned to listen for their song. 6. RAFFLE The raffle was a great success and we thank Eleanor for her donation of her art work and organizing the tickets and colour copies for the raffle. The amount raised was nearly $240. 7. NEXT MEETING December 6 at Barrie Gallacher's home at 7.30 in Quinton Rd FRIENDS OF BACK CREEK November 2004 Minutes prepared by Chris Walta