Minutes of meeting September 8 2003 at 7.30pm held at the home of Chris Walta at 29A Cornell St.
Present: Robert Brierley, Barrie Gallacher, Chris Walta, Eleanor Stephenson, Bob Strickland, Jim Breen
Minutes of the previous meeting: accepted
Spring Festival: September 21st is Spring Festival day. Barrie taking responsibility for the ordering and the delivery of the plants needed. Planting to continue along the creek towards Cornell St. Mulch has been delivered at the Cornell St end and we will spread mulch where needed using the extra people on planting day. Bob to call the promoters of the Spring Planting Festival to see if our site is listed and being promoted. There was some discussion about the need to inform residents neighbouring the area above the new retaining wall about the planting plans for the area. Bob to ring the participants from the previous event about the opportunity to help us again on the 21st of September. Some fill in planting needs to be done in the areas where the weeds have been sprayed in earlier planted sections closer to Quinton Rd.
Water pollution: Eleanor reported that she had contacted the EPA re our concern about the situation of water contamination occurring through seepage coming into the creek and possibly what is coming down the creek. The suggestion was to inform the EPA about the presence of a smell in the area and then to contact them again. After some discussion it was decided that the collection of water samples might help to get some water testing happen by the EPA.
Community grant application is being considered for March 2004 to plant the newly matted area along the new path and retaining wall. The application will look at the plants required and the work to be done in the drain outlets. There has been no news about the Heritage grant application as yet.
Newsletter: We have received feedback from the printer that it costs $80 to $100 for each print run. Is it possible to find a way to contribute to the cost? Additionally more notice is required for him to fit it in with the rest of the work he does. Perhaps one way we can contribute is to cut back on the number of Newsletters that are printed in 1 year.
Path: the path will be treated with a compacting process to deal with the unevenness created by the `soggy' surface when the path first went in.
The path extension across the creek at the Riversdale Rd end is earmarked for 2004 work. The plan is to widen the current track and use a similar retaining wall for the area above the path. The edge of the path closest to the creek will have a post and rail similar to the fencing used along Quinton Rd. The area above the path will be weeded of the saplings and self sewn oaks. The steep track currently going from the path up to Riversdale Rd will be closed of and incorporated into the planted bed.
Treasurer's report: Bob Strickland provided the treasures report ... there is $6942 in the bank. Bob's costs to be reimbursed. The treasure also awaits a claim from Robert for the costs incurred for the planting days. Jim tabled a bill for $54 for costs associated with website. Three new memberships were received in Bob's letter box.
Website: Jim is fine to continue to take care of the website. There is a cost associated with the registration of the FOBc name and the diversion to bigpond. Jim reported that 80% of the 10 meg space was currently occupied and that some work could be done to make the pictures smaller to take less space. There was discussion about developing a permanent record of the work in progress using before and after shots etc. It was felt that this would be helpful in future application.
Correspondence: we received information about training opportunity for water watch where participants would receive a kit. A Friends day is available for interested people on October 11 ... a whole day (Saturday) arranged with different workshops.
General discussion: Much use being made of the area since the path reopened and the weather is conducive. Concern was expressed about the number of dogs that use the area and there was discussion to see if we should approach the Council about making it a `Dog on the leash' area. The area's fauna and flora is particular fragile in the area with all the works that are happening in the revegetation and pathway construction etc. it was decided that we would prioritise our lobbying efforts with the Council. There many other things we need their help with.
Next meeting
The meeting after that will be on Monday Nov 10 at Eleanor's home.
Minutes produced by Chris WALTA