Date: 6th of September
Location: Home of Chris Walta 29A Cornell St
Present: Barrie Gallacher (chaired the meeting), Eleanor Stephenson, Chris Walta, Bob Strickland, John Cott
Apologies: Robert Brierley (president)
Barrie agreed to chair the meeting in Robert’s absence.
None tabled.
3.1 Projects were reviewed in terms of where we were at with the schedule established at the beginning of the year. Members of the committee expressed the need to consider how the funded work could be undertaken given the number of volunteers we are able to rely on. Additionally the schedule for maintenance, preparation and planting is particularly heavy for the next couple of months. The schedule was planned to have about 40 people at each of the working bees. Realistically this is unlikely to happen.
John presented information about Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA). This organization coordinates a group of volunteers under the direction of an experienced person who will manage the project required, for the cost of $500 per day. It was decided that this would be worth investigating further.
Suggestions for defined activities were discussed: planting the jute matting etc
ACTION: Bob will contact the CVA to discuss what is possible. Bob would also discuss this with Robert.
3.2 Spring Planting Day September 19
ACTION: Bob to contact Greening Australia to inform them about advertising the Back Creek site as an opportunity for volunteer contribution.
ACTION: Barrie to arrange for the plants to be available for the day
Western side of the path/retaining wall
Discussion about the need to replant the strip along the path where pedestrians are trampling the plants and create a barrier to give the plants a chance to establish.
ACTION: Barrie will bring stakes and string to put up a barrier as part of the replanting
Board Walk
The completed board walk is a great success. The meeting discussed the need to plant the area ASAP and that it was too late to put in an application for a Community Grant.
There is continued traffic using the steep slope from Riversdale Rd because the fence is not yet finished. It was decided that the opening of the board walk should take place at the October working bee.
ACTION: Bob to approach Janice about when the fencing will be undertaken.
ACTION: Bob to invite Heinz to officiate at the opening.
Newsletter to be ready before the October working bee to let people know it is on. John happy to help with the preparation if need be. It is suggested that the next newsletter be ready for distribution a week before the October working bee and opening of the board walk.
Bird Observers Club will also have a flyer ready for then that we have agreed to distribute on a previous occasion.
ACTION: Eleanor to ensure that 500 pamphlets will be ready to distribute with the FOBC newsletter early in October.
None tabled this month
No new sightings reported.
Eleanor has offered another art work for a raffle … a Gang Gang Cockatoo mounted on board and laminated. Thank you Eleanor. The committee appreciated the contribution as a fund raiser.
ACTION Eleanor to arrange for ticket books to distribute to members of the committee and others who would be able to help with ticket sales. Colour photocopies will be available to assist in ticket selling.
October 4 at 3 Nicholsdale Rd at the home of Robert Brierley at 7.30
September 2004
Minutes prepared by Chris Walta